WE ARE a group of people with special interests in the numismatics of ancient coinage. We meet once a month in downtown Chicago to discuss topics in our various fields of interest. The format for our monthly meetings is interactive. We do not challenge members to prepare expert presentations on a topic which they deliver to a passive audience. Instead, individuals with some expertise in an area are invited to moderate a group discussion so we can stimulate one another in our thinking of any subject that comes along. There is no telling where the conversation will go, since members are free to bring in their own questions and ideas. Of course, no one will be able to participate in all discussions with equal ease, and there may be some individuals that prefer to merely observe the conversation of others. You are invited to come to any meeting and listen or participate in the discussion as our guest. | OUR SPONSORS   OUR GROUP IS A MEMBER OF   Buy or sell gold, golden coins here
WE MEET the fourth Monday of every month at 77 W. Washington in the Chicago Temple Building, in the Offices and Research Library of Harlan J. Berk Ltd. This is on the 13th floor, room 1320. Please join us for dinner before the meeting. We gather for dinner at 6:00 PM, and the discussion will start afterwards. |
2012 MEETING DATES March 26 Meeting: Our topic is Weight systems of the Ancient Middle East. This will be a presentation by Egyptologist Dr. Ted Castle and will highlight Egyptian weight standards. Dr. Castle will provide some references from inscriptions that contain sales or trades with weights mentioned and products exchanged. Don’t forget to bring something for show and tell.
Our Upcoming Meetings in 2012:
April 28 (Saturday meeting at CICF), May 21 (3rd Monday due to Memorial Day), June 25, July 23, August 27, September 24, October 22, November 26. We never meet in December. --- If you are planning to come to a meeting, please email Paul before the day of the meeting. It helps us to plan for ordering food. --- Please bring examples of the discussion topics from your own collection to share with us. --- Also, don't forget to bring something new or interesting for show and tell. |
MEMBERSHIP DUES are $25, and each person pays usually about $13 per meeting for dinner. We are a non-profit organization, and our group operating revenues come from dues paid by members, and donations from our sponsors. All expenditures are for operating expenses. |
OUR HISTORY The ACCC was founded by Chicago area coin collectors in 2001. The club started with 10 people meeting at a restaurant. The Ancient Coin Club of Chicago now has about 30 members with such noted numismatists and coin dealers as Harlan Berk, Curtis Clay, Phil Davis, and Mark Wieclaw. |